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Дата выхода отчета: 23 Марта 2010
География исследования: Moscow and Moscow region
Период исследования: 17 pages
Количество страниц: 17
Язык отчета: Русский и Английский
Способ предоставления: электронный

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    In the Report you can find the results of commercial real estate market development in 2009 including the detailed analyses of office, retail and hotels markets.

    2 mln. sq. m. of office space were commissioned in the office real estate market in 2009. The main trends in demand for office space in 2009 are the following: demand for lease and sale decreased considerably, small fit out offices remain the most sought-after; demand for purchase of office assets has been growing since summer and the share of requests for lease of bigger offices is also growing which shows that asking prices and rental rates are more in line with expectations of potential buyers and tenants. Despite some recovery of demand for high-quality office space in the last months of 2009, the main office market trends remain negative.

    In 2009, 950,000 sq. m. of retail space were delivered in Moscow, the leasable area being 530,000 sq. m. Throughout 2009, demand for retail space remained unstable. Starting from the end of 2008 and during the first six months of 2009, the activity of retail operators was at a low level which resulted in decreasing demand for space in shopping malls and in the street retail segment. However, the retail activity increased in autumn: the number of transactions grew up and as a result, the rental rates stopped falling (the rental rates even rose in some properties and shopping galleries) and vacancy rates declined. Seeing stabilization of rental rates both in retail centers and in the street retail segment, more optimistic market players said the market had hit the bottom and that the retail sector would soon grow up.

    In 2009, 8 hotels (approx 1,000 rooms) were commissioned. In January-December 2009, the occupancy rates in Moscow hotels fell 28% on average versus the corresponding period of 2008 reaching 50%. Partially, the occupancy rates decline was caused by decreasing tourist flows. Another reason was that people reduced periods of stay and chose alternative means of accommodation during their stay in Moscow. The average ADR amounted to 4,050 rubles, 15% less than in 2008.


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    All rights reserved. This report has been prepared for information purposes only. The data and information contained herein are the exclusive property of Blackwood Real Estate company. Reproduction of the report in total or in part is allowed only with a prior written permission of the Blackwood real estate company. Quoting is allowed with refer- ence to the source. Q1 2011 Approximately 250 thous. sq. m. of high-quality areas en- tered the office real estate market for Q1 2011, 40% of them were “A” class properties, 60% - “B” class. Therefore, the aggre- gate supply volume in the office real estate market amounted to about 11 mln. sq. m. The recovery of demand for rent and purchase of high- quality office premises is going on in high paces. By the results of Q1 2011 the share of vacant premises amounted to approx 13 -15% in “A” class and 15-17% in “B” class. In general, the beginning of the year was rather positive for the office real estate market, the market continues to display rather stable indices, at the same time all the post-crisis trends remain relevant. The development market is recovering: for Q1 2011 the construction of several promising projects, as well as the resumption of the implementation of a number of large pro- jects was announced. The trend of the recovery…
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